Saturday 6 May 2017



 English Short Story

                Alex and Duke are brothers lived in a village. Both are like each other and help parents in their work. Alex has positive mind in everywhere but Duke has negative mind and weak in self confident. In that village has one big temple. Every year that village people are conduct festivals for that temple. At that time they arranged some competition also. Every year Alex won one of the competitions but Duke even not participated because he scared and not believe himself. Alex advised him several times but no use.

                Their life goes well. On the next year before starts the temple festival. Two brothers went to the forest collecting wood sticks for cooking. In that forest has so many weak trees sometimes they are falling down. So brothers are collecting sticks carefully. Unfortunately one of the tree fallen with Alex’s shoulder. He tries to move the tree from his shoulder but failed and shouted loudly.

                Duke came there quickly after hearing his shout. He also tries to lift the tree from Alex’s shoulders but can’t. Duke tries to call some people for help but on that time no one there. Is there is only way for them is Duke lift that tree. It’s hard for Duke but after seeing Alex’s pain and cry.

                Duke got some confident from himself and tries to lift the tree, after few minutes he move the tree from Alex’s shoulders. Alex feels free and got some relief from the pain. Once Alex got normal he appreciates Duke so much and feels proud. After this incident Duke has more confident he also participated in the temple competitions. Duke won most of the competitions and he beats his brother also. Alex feels so much of happy to see his brother’s victory.

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