Saturday 6 May 2017



English Short Story

                One husband and wife fight with angry and shouted loudly in their house it is located in an apartment. The people who are lived in there saw their work as usual because this is happened weekly twice. Max is one the members in that apartment. He noticed it and met the person who fought in the morning. He said my name is Khan; I am working in a small company and got enough money for family. But sometime it bites my budget.

                In this situation my wife compile me to buy own house because current house not have enough space. I have some saving money but that’s not enough for buying own house. Now what I will do? He said sadly. After that Max said, I knew one contractor he is my best friend. We will meet him tomorrow; maybe he suggests some idea to you.  After that Khan feels some relief and accepts Max idea.

                Next day both of them met the contractor friend. He asked Khan about how much money he has. Khan said that amount. Then contractor said, OK then I will give you a house which has been ready. You just give me the amount which you have now, and then you will give the balance amount by installment basis. Once Khan sees the house feels happy and accepts the contractor demand.

Khan problem solved and he said thanks to Max for introduce the contractor and gives important for his problem. After few days there is no fight between Khan and his wife. Within a month they are moving to their own house. 

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