Friday 5 May 2017



                It is a higher secondary school located in a pleasant place. It has above 1000 students are studying. Suva was studying 10th standard in this school. He is a wise student and class topper also. So many students are like him not only in his class even other class students also. He is studying well and even teaching someone also.

                Khan is one of his classmates; actually he tries to won the running competition. But didn’t have enough confident and practice, because he can’t wake up early in the morning for practice. So he asks help from Suva. Suva suggests some tips for wake up early morning and told him one quote for remembering “IF YOU CONTINUE ANYTHING FOR A WEEK WITHOUT FAIL, IT WILL ADD EASILY IN YOUR HABIT”.

                This quote gives more confident for Khan and he try hardly to wake up early morning. After this hard practice Khan Wake up early morning continuously in a week without fails. After that it will happened automatically. Jack taken the running practice in the morning, then came to school after that continue the practice in the evening also.

                These practice makes him more strength and confident. He participated in the running competition and won the first prize as per his wish. In the award function Jack mentioned about Suva’s quote gave him more confident and practice hard. This is the secret of my success once he said that all of the students give applause's to both of them.

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