Thursday 27 April 2017



English Short Story

                Finch worked in a leading software company. He is a sincere, dedicate and efficient employee. This is his third year with this company. Today his team leader arranged a meeting. Once all employees assembled, team leader convey some basic instructions like punctuality, attendance and discipline. After that he announced about their new team leader. All employees listening team leader with curiosity and eager to know, who is their new team leader? Finally he said your new team leader is Finch. The whole team gives applause to their new team leader. Finch feels proud outside but afraid inside how to take this responsibility? Like that.

                Finch is an efficient employee there is no doubt. But personally he has in priority complex problem not here only it came from his school days because he is skinny so can’t do anything perfectly think himself. And another problem was he is a shy type. If a team leader has this type of problem definitely it causes danger to his team also. In the following days as per his fear, some problem happens with inside of his team he can’t solve it and makes it danger situation for his job also.

                After faced this kind of situation, Finch feels sad better resign the job and go away from this problem. But later he feels why thinks negatively, why I can’t face this problems? Hear the questions himself so many times, on that time he remembered one quote which is read from one of the self confidential books that is “THE SAFEST WAY IN A BATTLE IS STAND AGAINST ENEMIES”.  This quote gives him more confident and took him away from the in priority complex problem.

                Next day morning his first work is arrange a team meeting and honestly ask apologies to his team mates for which are happening before. He promised the team just leaves the past, from today I works sincerely and solve the issue which was happening before and request the team please inform anything happens within the team if you are mess it’s affected me and our team also.

                All team mates are feels surprised, this is our team leader? They saw the way of his speech and confident level is totally different. After this movement Finch’s team became top team of the company and his team mates feels proud being a part of Finch’s team. All other team leaders are also appreciated him and follow his steps.

Tuesday 25 April 2017



 English Short Stories

                It is a pleasant and beautiful village. In that village has one pond. All the people from that village use this pond for washing clothes, things and agriculture also. Victoria is one of the girls in that village, she is humble and kind heart person. Every morning she went to the pond for washing her clothes and her family cloths. At that same time Lena also came there. She is a rude person, tease everyone. So no-one wants to friendship with her. She is always teasing Victoria, but Victoria remains silent.

                One day as usual Victoria went to the pond for washing clothes, at that day Lena came there late. Once she reached the pond tease Victoria and put her clothes into the dust. Victoria feels sad but doesn’t expose it, because she knew about Lena’s behavior. At the same time one snake came nearby Lena’s legs and tries to bite her. In the fraction of seconds Victoria act quickly and push Lena away from that place. After few minutes Lena realized Victoria save her from very dangerous situation, because the snake’s venom is very powerful.

                At that movement Lena can’t speak anything just leaves that place immediately. Next day morning Lena came to the pond and spoke with Victoria about yesterday incident. I teased you so many times and hurt your heart badly but you are saved me and my life. So I asked apologies to you, and please forgive me. Lena begs Victoria like that.  Victoria said may be you are teased and hurt me, but that situation I feels you are also my one of the friends. That’s why I saved you.

                After hearing this words Lena feels happy and then they are becoming thick friends.  Lena changed her behaviors because of Victoria’s friendship. Every people in that village feels amaze, how this is happen? But the truth is “A HELP ON TIME” makes a lot of changes in any kind of people.

Monday 24 April 2017



English Short Stories

                Diana is a 12th standard student in a government school which is located in her village.  She is a brilliant student in her class. She came from middle class family, so she knew about the value of time, money and people. She gives respect everyone and humble. Actually in previous classes she was an average student only. Particularly in 9th standard, she failed in exams before half-yearly exams particularly in Mathematics.

                After that she decides to get good score in Mathematics subject and sort out some strict practice rules herself for studies. Her rules for mathematics was give more important for high mark questions then go to small mark questions and daily solve the Mathematics problems until solve any problem given like that. She follows that rules continuously until get good score in Mathematics Subject. In this efforts showed in her exam results and it makes as a brilliant student of her class as well. She became 1st place in her school of her 10th class public exams.

                In her class one of the classmates name called Helena. She is an average student in the class and every time got scold, curses from the teachers, because of her poor study level. Diana noticed it and want to help her so after finished the classes she met Helena and asked about her studies. She said I studied every day but I can’t remember it and forgot easily.  I will try more ways to recover this problem but no improvement, Helena told sadly.

                After listening it Diana replied like that, Helena it’s not a big problem, you are easily got out from this one. I will suggest some ideas to you, just practice it daily, within few days you will see the improvement. These words give energy to Helena.  Diana Suggests Helena just written it whenever you study and whatever you study, keep the practice until you remember when you want that.

                Helena put all efforts to keep the practice. She will see the changes within few days. After few days she got better score in exams and got appreciation from teachers as well. At finally Helena joins the top 10 students in her class.  Helena says thanks to Diana, but Diana replied your practice will help you not I am. Now Helena also realized the truth of “PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT”.

Friday 21 April 2017



 English Short Stories

Jackson was lived in a village with his family. His village located in a hills station so every day he finds food and picked up to his house. It is a daily duty for him. After collecting the food his parents are sent it to monster’s house because they are ruled by them, so they are very afraid about monsters because they are very strong and giant look. Sometimes Jackson feels why everyone afraid about monsters but suddenly compromise himself.

         One fine day he met a new friend when he searching for food his name is Vincent he lived in nearby village like Jackson. Vincent Saved Jackson from a critical situation. After that they are becoming thick friends. After few days Jackson called him come to his house. Vincent also eager to see Jackson’s house and his parents, so went there. After met Jackson’s parents he spent some time with them, and then Jackson called Vincent going outside for play.

       They are played some games and feel happy then went back to Jackson’s house. After had dinner Vincent asked Jackson about the monsters because in the time when he entered Jackson’s village saw some incidents it is affected his mind. Jackson told him they are ruled us, so they are treat us like a slave, daily I saw such incidents but no one take a step against them because they are very strong and had weapons also, comparing them we are weak.

          After this conversation Vincent asked Jackson some questions. How many monsters are here? Approximately 100 to 150 Jackson replied. Then how many people you have? 1000 Jackson replied. Vincent told like then easily you may fight against them and got out from here, because they are only few comparing your side.

         These words are given energy to Jackson. He also agrees with him. After that Jackson & Vincent form a squad of soldiers and convey this message everyone in his village. First of all the people afraid, how we are fight against monster’s but after hearing Vincent and Jackson’s brave and confidential speech, they are got hope.

        Few days later people are unite and start fight against monsters. Monsters can’t believe how this possible? How they are unite for against us. Monsters also try to reply fight against the people who are involved in the fight. But the monsters are only in hundreds it’s not enough to control the thousands of people. After few days the monsters are surrendered to the people and said they are accept the demand and got out from their village.

            Monsters are moved from that village and the people are now feeling free and independent. All the people say thanks to Jackson and Vincent. This incident gives a lesson to that people and us “UNITY IS STRENGTH”.


 English Short Stories

Hercules and Jackson both are close friends. They are studying 5th standard in government school which is located in their nearby village. Every day both of them went school by bicycle because their school located 5 km apart from their house. Sometimes went by bus when their bicycle in repair or parents took it for some work.

                  The road of going to their school fully surround by farms. Every day they are crossed that place feel happy because of fresh air, more trees, peaceful and pleasant place. Both planned one Sunday went there spend some time and take bath in the well which is located in the center of the farm.

               Hercules and Jackson are went there as per planned, may be spend half of the day there so took some snacks, water bottle and lunch box with them. Once reached the farm, they are feeling happy because the place is very pleasant and look like a gift of nature. The friends are played ice ball game there for some time and then ready to bath.

               They are going to the well; the well is deep and it has only 5 to 10 steps are good condition other steps are damaged. Jackson looked the well feel that is not safety, not comfortable for bath. So Jackson warned Hercules maybe its risk to have bath here better we are go back. But Hercules ignores his friend words suddenly jumped in the well even he doesn’t know proper swimming. After that only he realized it’s deep and not comfortable for bath, and then started shouting.

              Jackson also scared more but that is not a time for afraid because his friend in dangerous situation. So he ran inside the farm and alarmed the farmers who worked there, they are jumped in the well and safely took Hercules away from the well, then gave first aid to him and warned both of them don’t do this again because the well is dangerous and some people died in that well.

          After this incident they are not went for that kind of places, but realized how important before doing anything check that one safe or danger. Now both of friends are safe and happy.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Hello World

Hello World....

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